Friday, June 20, 2008

What if you have an Idea but Technology involved is not yet ripe?

I found this question somewhere on linkedIn and hence thought of putting my views on this in the current post. Some times this happens that we got some cool idea where we see a good market too but then we find that we are thinking a bit ahead and the present technology involved with our idea is present but not in the beset of its shape, so what shall we do? shall we just plunk our idea or is there something more which we can think about.

In my view, in most of the scenarios the same work could be done using alternate technology (because mostly the new technology would be providing more of automation, some features to help the development along with say some new features about which you are not sure because they are not stablalized).

If the target technology is path breaking whose alternate is not there (very less chance indeed) then also you can go ahead if have a very strong belief on your idea. The best you can do here is to get some patents done on the idea, implementation etc so that you also evolve as the technology and the patents will help you in getting the fruits later.

If the alternate technology is there go ahead use that and complete the product. You can make the development scalable and flexible enough to even adopt the new technology you are talking about later, once it ripe.

Also, when you go about actual working for an idea to a product, at any point of time you always have a lot of options to choose from in terms of both product and technology. It's more about your firmness and belief for the product or idea, how good the market reseach has gone and how good your business, revenue and growth plans are.

Put in your comments and views too on this.

bye for now.
visit my team at

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tip for Visual Studio - 2

This post is about a simple tip in using Visual Studio while creating a new website or project.

Some time you create a blank solution and then add say a website to it. What you see is that the website is shown in the solution explorer but there is no solution. Now you want to add another project but there is no solution hence you wonder where the solution is and how can I add a new project to my solution with the already opened website attached to it.

What happens actually is that showing solution option which is by default turned off causes the solution to take back seat once a project is associated to it. To enable the same go to tools -> options -> Projects settings and find always show solution options.

The image below shows the same:

This helps a lot when you are creating a blank solution, adding a website and other library proects to it and have to later add the solution to a version control system.

Hope this helps!!

bye for now.
visit my team @

Friday, June 13, 2008

TFS 2008 - Source Control Annotation

This post will look into the Source Control Annotation feature in VSTS 2005 using TFS power tool or in VSTS 2008 using TFS 2008.

The annotation feature gives me the changeset information for each line of a source file. Hover over the changeset give me detail about the changeset as who did the check-in for that changeset and when was this checked-in.

You will find the same changeset numbers for different lines because the annotation presentation is based on the source file perspective. We see the changeset hence for each line of code.

It looks like:

Double clicking respective changeset give me all the files included in it via a file viewable wizard. We can see what the file was and also compare it with the latest ones or with a particular version file.

Main thing to observer here is that you will only see changeset corresponding to the last change for that file and not all the changeset's i.e. Changeset history. You can always check the history by looking into the history option though.

I find this annotate useful in finding particular changeset details in case the code fails or any error comes even at the line level. If you are debugging a failure you would find it very useful and also your QA team would be happy in case they do some white box testing and find some bug. Bug can be exactly filed for person who actually caused that bug to surface.

I will be blogging on more aspects of TFS 2008 in near future.

bye for now.

visit my team @